冬去春来,岁月更迭。在2025新春佳节即将到来之际,中国国际水果展CHINA FRUIT携全新主视觉,给您提前拜年了!
在过去的日子里,感谢全球果业同仁对中国国际水果展CHINA FRUIT的大力支持。全球优质果品汇聚于此,贸易伙伴精诚合作,让CHINA FRUIT这棵“果”树在中国厚实而肥沃的土地上,深度扎根,不断生长壮大。同时,CHINA FRUIT以品质为基,以创新为翼,以开放为怀,让中国水果走向世界,让世界水果走进中国。这棵“果”树,已然成为全球水果交流互鉴、融合发展的最佳载体,见证着行业的每一次蜕变与升华。一元复始春为首,万象更新岁又新。在这春华之季,让我们继续携手共进,深耕细作,开拓创新,让这棵果树更加枝繁叶茂。也祝愿每一位水果人都能如松柏般坚韧,心怀梦想,勇往直前,以更加饱满的热情迎接新的机遇,PASSION!!!
As winter fades and spring arrives, time flows onward. With the 2025 Spring Festival just around the corner, China International Fruit Expo (CHINA FRUIT) comes to you with its brand-new main vision to extend our early greetings for the Chinese New Year!We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all global partners for their unwavering support of CHINA FRUIT over the past year. High-quality fruits from around the world converge here, where trade partners collaborate sincerely, allowing the CHINA FRUIT “fruit” tree to firmly root and thrive on China’s rich and fertile soil. Meanwhile, CHINA FRUIT is guided by quality, powered by innovation, and openly embraces the world, striving to bring Chinese fruits to the global market while inviting fruits from around the world into China. This “fruit” tree has become the best platform for global fruit exchange and collaborative development, witnessing every transformation and elevation within the industry.With the beginning of a new year and the renewal of everything, in this season of flourishing, let us continue to join hands, delve deeper into our work, innovate boldly, and make this “fruit” tree even more lush and prosperous. We also wish every member in the fruit community to be as resilient as a pine or cypress, holding onto dreams, advancing bravely forward, and greeting new opportunities with huge enthusiasm—PASSION!!!